Sandie Danet-Degoul introduced me to the centuries-old technique of reflexology, which she practises with genuine passion to improve the well-being of others. Read on to find out more about this ancient therapy that can be found here on St-Barts.
Can you briefly define reflexology?
Reflexology is a wellness technique that offers instant relaxation while balancing the mind and body. It involves the manual application of pressure and palpations to the reflex points of the feet, hands, face and back – which correspond to specific organs of the body. This acts to relax and decongest the body tissue, eliminating toxins and releasing any blocked energy causing discomfort, thereby allowing the body to re-equilibrate itself. I practise reflexology according to Chinese energetics, using the teachings and techniques of traditional Chinese medicine that date back many thousands of years.
How can people benefit from reflexology?
Reflexology does not claim to treat diseases, but it nonetheless has a significant influence on well-being. Most notably, reflexology can boost energy within the body and can also stimulate its circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Reflexology provides both physical and emotional benefits.
From a physical point of view, reflexology can help:
– improve sleep and balance the nervous system;
– release tension and blockages (muscular, articular, digestive and respiratory);
– ease menstrual pain;
– increase blood circulation;
– activate the immune system;
– revitalise bodily functions.
In addition, reflexology can help:
– calm and harmonise the emotions such as sadness, anger and over-stimulation;
– decrease stress and nervousness while relaxing the mind.
It is important to note that there are certain contraindications for reflexology that need to be considered. I therefore encourage you to consult your medical practitioner before a session.
What inspired you to practise this technique?
I first encountered reflexology when seeking help with my own health issues, which were affecting my daily life. The subsequent benefits and improvements that I experienced made me curious to learn more. In addition, the philosophy behind Chinese medicine is very similar to my life aspirations, my love of nature and my understanding of humanity. This, together with my training in psychology and my work in special needs, inevitably led me to become professionally involved in reflexology.
Who are your main clients?
I have developed an ever-increasing clientele based on trust – both local residents as well as visitors to the island. My prices and special offers have been set at an affordable level to allow as many people as possible (adults and children) to have access to this wellness method.
I work in conjunction with schools and associations, offering refl exology workshops to educate children in relaxation techniques, teaching them how to take care of themselves and how to acknowledge and better manage their emotions. Furthermore, during school holidays I offer group workshops in the heart of the island’s nature.
Where do you practise refl exology?
I offer refl exology sessions in clients’ homes or villas, in addition to my own studio here on the island. I also work in partnership with Zion Gym and Beauty Secret health spa.
What brought you to St-Barts?
I was born and raised on the island, where I decided to stay and start my own family. I am keen to strengthen my connection with St-Barts by contributing to its development in the field of well-being.
What specific message do you want to share with our readers?
I believe that we spend too much time waiting for tomorrow, waiting for things to improve or for projects to progress … It would be better to appreciate the present moment and show gratitude for the beauty of the world, while realising that taking care of ourselves is an everyday act of love.